Today it's public holiday in parts of Germany so I went for a morning walk before sitting on the sofa and watching sons of anarchy all day
Y'2 hh cafe racer
IHSW-49 burgundy hoodie
Today it's public holiday in parts of Germany so I went for a morning walk before sitting on the sofa and watching sons of anarchy all day
Y'2 hh cafe racer
IHSW-49 burgundy hoodie
Wearing the 403 for a nice hike in the Zuid-Kennemerland Nationalpark, the netherlands.
Paired with 21oz 555 and RW 875
Not a big fan of being cold so got out the mountain parka which is nothing more than the best wintercoat I ever had (the xhsbb I am living in right now can be mentioned as well)
Starting the day of in a little more colour than usual
IHSW-49 burgundy
Red Wing 3141
Andersen Andersen Halfzip
IH sneakers Indigo
Micky oye tee
RDT casper
Putting the 62 more in rotation after seeing the world tour wabash jacket... Paired with the xhs bb and pbj Tee
Wabash and 777 od for easter brunch
@Oaktavia i had a pair of catchball picnic canvas sneakers years ago. They were white and I wore them every day to work, on light hikes or walking the dog... Kept them pretty white with this method for at least two years or so... Then I spilled tomato sauce all over them, washig did not help with that anymore
@backpackerx i'd like to add that there are plenty of retailers which often still have stock while UK is sold out.
@tody @flannel-slut thanks guys!! It was me indeed who had problems with the engineers... Bummer! I think they will be too tight then and a size up is not available right now. Maybe someone can recommend a chelsea that is a little more foregiving?
Do you guys have experience with the JL chelsea boot? Looking at the olive cxl one. Had to let my RDT caspers go because they never got to a comfortable level and the cord soles weren't really for me.. now I need something laceless again bacause I am lazy af
Thanks to @Daniel-San and @endo for making this possible! Live close to Bremen and already rearranged my holiday plans to be there at least on saturday!! Very excited for this
Had mine in the mail today! Copper snaps of course.
Maybe could have sized down a little but prefer more room in chest and waist and can deal with overall length being a little too much
@bluemantra I'd prefer the more relaxed 33 especially in the thighs and knee area they look more comfortable.
@Chap i washes my indigo ones and my white slp canvas sneakers. Put em without laces in an empty pillow case and minimum spin/ 20 degrees c
Worked out great
@Bern @Oaktavia they have tightened up a little in the legs but not the waist in seems. Feel amazing after a couple hours they were like sweatpants
Amazing news!!! I always regreted not getting one when there was stock. Won't hesitate this time