Watching me eat dinner.
Then ready to play ball.
Access to the marketplace
To say you bastards are influential would be an understatement:
@Selvedger that looks pretty heavy to me, too. Probably an over dyed 33
I gotcha. It’s really hard to tell by the video. Someone here might know for sure but I couldn’t even swear on it being a lightweight shirt. Usually those drape more and this one looks kind of stiff at the bottom. Happy hunting. ️
@Selvedger have you looked at the upcoming SS25 lightweight short sleeve options. It will be a lot easier to get one of those than an extinct mystery shirt from a video.
@Freeman our wallets wish you guys were not so freaking accommodating. still find it incredible that this is the norm around these parts
Another great t-shirt: “You’re barking up the wrong tree Karen”. Keep em coming