This has been my uniform lately.
Black tee
This has been my uniform lately.
Black tee
The IHJ-54 always comes through for me.
Johnny Cash
IH Tee
And standing awkwardly, about to get some headshots taken.
We've done this three times now and will continue to do so, so I think it's officially a holiday tradition. There's a nice hotel in the area called The Lodge at Torrey Pines, and it's an absolutely gorgeous building which (and I'm not architecture expert, so please forgive me if I mess this up) seems like a combination of craftsman and Japanese design, and it's just stunning. We go there, see the carolers singing by a big fireplace, and tuck ourselves into a little room off of the bar for a martini and what they call the "Drug Store Burger." It's a pretty fancy place, so it's definitely a treat to go there. Anyway, here are some pics that my wife took last night.
Not the most conventional tool, but a shop apron is absolutely a tool. Having some of my most-used hand tools at the ready is super important, and rather than buying something that already exists that I'd likely be unhappy with, I decided to make my own fully custom apron.
This was nearly 80 hours of labor, and a shit ton of leather!
This is a project I've been meaning to get to for a long time, and I finally got it done today. I have two tees (one black and one navy) that had some bleach spots on them. No idea how they got there, but I've been wearing them for a while and wanted to get them fixed. I got some dye, and decided to do them both black. And while I was at it, I wanted to dye my white shirt red. The bleach spots are gone (hooray!), and the black over navy came out really cool. I'm also very happy with the red. Here are the results.
My wife got a candid of me when we were setting up for pizza at the beach on Friday. I make pizza every Friday, and we live a couple of blocks from the water. I bought a stack of pizza boxes on Amazon, so in the summer, we sometimes take our pizza to the beach with a bottle of wine, and enjoy the sunset.
@Marty_funkhauser My wife's family drinks Barry's and thus, we used to drink a lot of Barry's. It's really great stuff!
The biggest tragedy in the building of the British empire wasn't the atrocities committed to control spice and sugar trades. It was the fact that once they had that control, the Brits refused to use any of it.
I might agree if the national dish of England wasn't Chicken Tikka Masala.
@Nick Milk and sugar? Straight to jail.
The best Earl Grey I've ever had is without a doubt, Earl Grey Supreme from Char Tea in Winchester, England. And an honorable mention to their Lady Winchester tea as well. Their smoked Earl Grey is pretty fun too, although not something I want to drink every day.
But since I quit caffeine over a year ago, the best decaf Earl Grey that I can find is from Republic of Tea, and it's pretty good, I guess. If anyone has any recommendations for a really good decaf Earl Grey, I'm all ears.
@meatmarketdenim1 It sure is a great city! I used to work on Federal Hill and I miss that neighborhood a lot. Maine is lovely too! You're going to have a blast.
@Jett129 We had to photograph a building with an architectural photography style.
@derek111 You're not kidding! The library was a little intimidating at first because it's so big, and there's so much to work with. Once I dove in, the shots started taking themselves.
@Mizmazzle And you wear it well! Heck yeah, dude! Looks great on you.
@Chris_Muscroft Welcome! It's great to have you here.
@meatmarketdenim1 Nice! I lived in Providence for a few years when I went to culinary school and then stayed to work at a couple of restaurants. My wife is from Narragansett. We're in San Diego now, and we've also lived here more than anywhere else. It's hard to leave CA!